Submit your Masterpiece
Our 2022 submission period is now open. Bogart Books keeps its catalog small because we believe in building strong author-publisher relationships and maximizing the dollars and hours we put into each release.

When submissions are open, query letters with synopses are accepted through our online submissions form. A synopsis is a brief overview, which can vary in length depending on the nature of your book, but generally it should not exceed 500 words.
Ultimately, we accept only Crime Fiction or True Crime manuscripts, preferably in the 50,000 to 80,000 word range. No short story collections or fiction anthologies will be considered. However, we welcomed themed True Crime anthologies. Likewise, no novellas, instructional non-fiction, or poetry will be considered.
The following things must happen before Bogart Books accepts your manuscript:
- We respond to your query letter and request a full or partial manuscript submission.
- We fall in love with your work.
- We have a strong sense of how to edit it.
- The target market for your book is an audience that Bogart Books can realistically reach.
- You express a willingness to partner with us, addressing all editorial concerns before we sign and become an active participant in promoting your work through independent bookstores and social media.
We accept manuscripts across all genres, with or without an agent, from anywhere in the world. Whether you are a new author or have been previously published, Bogart Books would like to hear from you. The review process can take up to three weeks. We will contact you once a decision has been reached.
Your covering letter should include:
- Your full name (and pseudonym if applicable)
- Your postal address, telephone number, and email address (if you have one)
- Any details of past writing experience
- An estimated word count for your complete manuscript
Questions? Contact us here.